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HomeEducation8 Ingenious Tips to Prepare Your Child for Preschool

8 Ingenious Tips to Prepare Your Child for Preschool

For both you and your child, starting preschool is a significant milestone. It can be thrilling to start a formal learning journey, but making your child ready for preschool can also be a challenging transition.

In this blog, we’ll shed light on the eight major tips to prepare your child for preschool. So, let’s enumerate them individually. 

  1. Make a Plan to Visit Together 

Plan to visit your child’s new school with them before their first day, if at all possible. You need to evaluate the classroom and play on the playground with one another. They will be familiar with school when they arrive on the first day.

  1. Make Connections with Other Children

If feasible, set up a playdate with children from your child’s class. It will give them the opportunity to establish a connection with each other before school starts.

  1. Together, Play School at Home

In order to assist your child, adapt to the notion of preschool and engage them in pretend play. Make a routine which includes the story time, song time, and nap time. Alternatively, you can reverse the roles and let your child teach. It will lessen stress in your child about the first day of preschool and help them see it as a pleasant place to learn.

  1. Make Practicing Readiness Skills A Game

Practice putting on a backpack, closing zippers and buttons, and hanging jackets and coats on hooks. You help your kid to put on shoes for a game and see how quickly they can do so! 

  1. Tell About Your School Experience

Tell your child your early school experiences, your feelings at that time, and the unique memories you made. Find pictures of yourself or other trusted adults from your childhood school time, if you can. This way, you can have a lovely memories-based conversation with your child.

  1. Make A New Routine Accordingly

Begin practicing your child’s new bedtime and wake-up time for preschool several weeks before school begins. Decide on a bedtime that will allow them to get a decent night’s sleep and a wake-up time that is early enough so they don’t rush in the morning. 

Doing this will provide both of you time to readjust. If you’re able to, you might even make a new routine of shopping a night before your child’s preschool and enjoying breakfast together in the morning.

  1. Listen to Your Child’s Feelings 

Ask your child about their feelings regarding going to school and tell them that it is okay to be excited, worried, or experiencing other emotions. Learning something new might be stressful and overwhelming, but it can also be an lot of fun! 

Make sure you’ll be there to pick them up at the end of the day, and discuss what those routines will be like.

  1. Must-Have A Goodbye Plan

When the time comes to say goodbye, make an effort to keep it positive and quick. Doing so, you will assure your child that you will see them shortly. You can also establish a

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